Electronic Scale

Model GL-2000R
Part No. 3T5-120A

Reg Price $95.00

Sale Price $75.00

Digital Weight Scale

Heavy duty construction and a large platform (8 1/2x6") make the GL-2000R an ideal electronic scale for home, office, school, and other general uses. Other features include: large 1/2" red, four digit display, 70 oz./2000g measuring capacity, and accuracy to +-(0.2%+1 digit).
Includes operator's manual. Requires six 1.5V "D" batteries or DC 9V adapter (batteries and adapter not included). Specifications include: Resolution to 0.05 oz./1g, sampling time: 0.9second, overload capacity: 50% of full scale, tare control: push button Tare capacity - the max. digits of full scale, over input indication, transducer: Load Cell (for strain gages), microprocessor circuitry, cabinet size (HxWxD): 8.7 x 8.5 x 3.7" (22 x 21.5 x 9.5cm), weight (w/o batteries): 4.4 lbs./2Kg.


Updated April 24, 2000

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