B&K Oscilloscopes


B&K’s Amazing 100 MHz Oscilloscope!


A technological breakthrough! Now you can have the power and versatility you’ve been dreaming of. Check out these fantastic features: 100 MHz bandwidth, 3 channels, delay time base, 1MV division sensitivity, selectable bandwidth limiter, channel 1 output, calibrated delay time multiplier, 19kV acceleration voltage, V mode triggering, and signal delay line. Enormous testing possibilities with amazingly precise control.

VERTICAL AMPLIFIERS (CH 1 AND CH 2)Sensitivity: 5Mv/div TO 5 V/div. 1 mV/div TO 1 V/div (at X5 mag). Attenuator: 10 Calibrated steps in 1-2-5 sequence. Vernier control provides fully adjustable sensitivity between steps, adjustment range 1/1 to 1/2.5. Accuracy: +- 3%, 5mV/div. +- 5% at X5 MAG. Input Resistance: 1 megaohm +-1%. Input Capacitance: 22 pF +-pF. Frequency Response: DC: DC TO 100 MHz (-3dB). X5 MAG: DC TO 20 MHz (-3dB). AC: 10 Hz TO 100 MHz (-3dB). RISE TIME: 3.5 ns or less. 17.5 ns or less at X5 MAG. Signal Delay Time: At least 20 ns visible delay. Polarity Reversal: ch 2 invert. Square Wave Characteristics: Overshoot within 5%, Other Distortion within 2% for 10 mV/div range. Other ranges within 3% additional. Maximum Input Voltage: 300 V (DC + peak). 600V ACp-p. Verticle amplifiers (Characteristics Common to CH 1, CH2, ADD, CH3. Operating Modes: CH 1, CH 2, ADD, CH 3 Independently selectable. Any two or more may be selected simultaneously. Alternate or Chop selectable at any sweep rate. Chop Frequency: 500 kHz per channel +-40%. Delay Time Between Channels: Within 0.5 ns between CH 1 and CH 2. Within 2.0 ns between other channels. Crosstalk: 1000:1 at 50 kHz. 30:1 at 100 MHz. Bandwidth Limiter: Frequency response can be limited to approx. 20 MHz by bandwidth limiter switch.


(Common for EXT TRIG INPUT) Sensitivity: 0.1 V/div, 0.5 V/div. Accuracy: +-3%. Frequency Response: DC: DC to 100 MHz (-3dB). AC: 10 Hz to 100 MHz (-3db).ISE TIME: 3.5 ns or less. Input Coupling: AC, HF reject, TV, DC.Input Resistance: 1 megeohm +-1%. Input Capacitance: 22 pF +- 2pF. Signal Delay Time: At least 20 ns visible delay. Max. Input Voltage: 100 V(DC+AC peak). Square Wave Characteristics: Overshoot within 10% other distortion within 5%.


Operating Modes: A: A Sweep. ALT: A sweep (intensified for duration of B sweep) and B sweep alternating. B: Delayed B sweep. B Triggered: B sweep triggered after delay. A Time Base. Sweep Mode: Auto, normal, single. Sweep Time: 20 ns/div to 0.5 s/div, 2 ns/div to 50 ms/div at X10 MAG, 23 steps in 1-2-5 sequence. Vernier control provides fully adjustable sweep time between range 1/1 to 1/2.5. Accuracy:+-3%. Hold Off Time: Continuously variable. Adjustment range from normal to two times the sweep time for ns/div to ms/div. B Time Base: Delay Method: Continuous delay. Triggered delay. Zero delay. Sweep time 20 ns/div to 50 ms/div, 2 ns/div to 5 ms/div a X10 MAG, 20 steps in 1-2-5 sequence. Accuracy: +-3%. Delay time: 0.2 MS TO 5 SEC. continuously variable 10 turn calibrated vernier. Delay Jitter: Within 1/10,000 of full scale sweep time. Sweep Magnification: X10 +-5% FOR 0.1 uS/div to 0.5 B/div ranges, +-8% for 20 ns/div and 50 ns/div ranges. Linearity: +-3%, +5% at X10 Mag. Uncal Indication: LED lights when A time base variable is not set to CAL.


A SOURCE: INT, LINE, EXT, EXT/5 INT permits selection of CH 1, CH 2, or vertical mode by selecting both CH 1 AND CH 2. Sensitivity: DC to 10 MHz: 0.4 div internal, .04V internal, .04V external. 10 MHz to 100 MHz: 1.5 div internal, 0.15V external. Video Signal: 2 div internal, 0.2V external. Sensitivity specifications include Level Lock from 50 Hz to 80 MHz and duty cycle from 20% to 80%. Coupling: AC, HF REJ, TV, DC, AC attentuates input above 50 kHz. TV automatically switches from TV-V to TV-H at appropriate sweep time. SLOPE:+ or -. B Trigger: The trigger is also the B trigger.


Input: CH3 input terminal. Input Impedance: Same as CH3 verticle. Maximum External Trigger Voltage: 100V (DC + AC peak) to 1kHz. Trigger Indication: Green LED lights when sweep is triggered. Horizontal Amplifier: (Input through CH1 input). X-Y MODE: X-axis = CH 1, Y-axis = CH 2, CH 3. Sensitivity: 5 mV/div to 5 V/div, CH 1 and CH 2. 0.1 V/div, 0.5 V/div, CH 3. Accuracy: +-4%, +-6% at X5 MAG. Frequency Response: DC TO 2 MHz (-3 dB). CH 1 (Y) Output: Output Voltage: Approx. 100 mV/div. open circuit. Approx. 50 mV/div into 50 ohms. CRT TYPE: 6 inch rectangular with integral graticule. Display Area: 8X10 div. (1 div= 1cm). Accelerating Voltage: 19kV. Phosphor P-31. Scale Illumination: Continuously variable. Trace Rotation:

Electrical, front panel adjustable.


Z Axis (Intensity Modulation): TTL level, intensity increasing with more negative signal usable DC to 5 MHz, maximum input 50 volts. CAL/PROBE Compensation: 2 p-p+-2% square wave, 1kHz +-5%. Power Requirements: 100/117/220/240 VAC +- 10% 50/60 Hz, approximate 65W. Dimensions: (HxWxD) 6 x 11 5/8 x 15 3/8". Weight: 17 1/4 lbs. Accessories Supplied: Two 10:1 probes. Instruction manual. Schematic diagram and parts list. AC power cord.

PART NO. 3T1-590 $1,599.00


60MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope with Dual Time Base



1 mV/division sensitivity. Sweep to 5 ns/div. 22 calibrated ranges - main time base. 19 calibrated ranges - delayed time base. Signal delay line. V mode - displays two signals unrelated in frequency. Component Tester. Z axis input. Single sweep. Includes two 10:1 probes, AC power cord.

VERTICAL AMPLIFIERS (CH 1 and CH 2) Sensitivity: 1mV/div to 5V/div. Attenuator: 12 calibrated steps in 1-2-5 sequence. Vernier control provides fully adjustable sensitivity between steps; range 1/1 to at least 1/2.5. Accuracy: +-3%, 5mV to 5V/div; +-5% 1mV and 2mV/div. Input Resistance: 1 megohm +-2%. Input Capacitance: 30pF +-5pF. Frequency Response: 5mV/div to 5V/div: DC: DC to 60MHz (-3dB). AC: 5Hz to 60MHz (-3dB). 1mV/div and 2mV/div: DC: DC to 10MHz (-3dB). AC: 5Hz to 10MHz (-3dB). Rise Time: 5mV/div to 5V/div: 5.8ns. 1mV/div and 2mV/div: 35ns. Signal Delay Time: Fixed, at least 10ns visible display. Crosstalk: -40 dB minimum. Operating Modes: CH1: CH1, single trace, CH2: CH2, single trace. DUAL: CH1 and CH2, dual trace. Alternate or Chop selectable at any sweep rate. ADD: algegraic sum of CH1 + CH2. Chop Freq.: Approx. 250kHz. Polarity Reversal: CH1 invert. Max. Input Voltage: 400V (DC+AC peak), 800 V AC p-p. UNCAL Indication: Red LED lights when CH1 or CH2 vernier not set to CAL. Max. Undistorted Amplitude: 8 divisions, DC to 60MHz.


Operating Modes: Main, Mix (Main and delay displayed), Delay, X-Y. Main Time Base: 0.05us/div to 0.5s/div in 1-2-5 sequence, 22 steps. Vernier control provides fully adjustable sweep time between steps. Delayed Time Base: 0.05us/div to 50ms/div in 1-2-5 sequence, 19 steps. Accuracy: +-3%. Sweep Magnification: X10 +-5%. Linearity (center 8 divisions): +-2%. Holdoff: Continuously adjustable for main time base from NORM to 10 times normal. Delay Time Position: continuously variable with 20-turn potentiometer to control percentage of display that is devoted to main and delayed sweep. Delay Jitter: 1/20,000 of full scale sweep time. UNCAL Indication: Red LED lights when main time base vernier is not set to CAL.


Trigger Modes: AUTO (free run), NORM, SINGLE. Trigger Source: CH1, CH2, ALT (V MODE), EXT, LINE. Trigger Indication: Green LED lights ¨when sweep is triggered.


(Input through Channel 2 input) X-Y Mode: CH1: Y axis. CH2: X ¨axis. Sensitivity: Same as vertical CH2. Accuracy: +-3%, Y axis; +-5% X axis. Input Impedance: Same as vertical CH2. Frequency Response: DC: DC to 2MHz (-3dB). AC: 5Hz to 2MHz (-3dB). X-Y Phase Difference: 3 degrees or less at 50kHz. Max. Input Voltage: same as vertical CH2. CHANNEL 1 OUTPUT (On rear panel): Output Voltage: 50mV/div (nominal into 50-ohm load). Output Impedance: Approx. 50 ohms. Freq. Response: 20Hz to 20MHz, -3dB into 50 ohms. CRT Type: 6-inch rectangular with internal graticule. Display Area: 8x10 div (1 div = 1cm). Trace Rotation: Electrical, front panel adjustable. Beam Finder.


Components Tested: Resistors, capacitors, inductors, and semiconductors. Test Voltage: 12V rms max. (open). Test Current: 30mA max. (shorted). test Freq.: Line freq. (60Hz in USA).


Cal/Probe Compensation Voltage: 0.2V p-p +-2% square wave, 1kHz nominal. Power Requirements: 120V/220V +-10%, 50/60Hz. Dimensions (HxWxD): 5 3/4 x 13 3/8 x 17" (146 x 340 x 430mm). Weightt: 17.2 lbs. (7.8Kg).

Part No. 3T1-566 $1,099.00


40 MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope



1 mV/div sensitivity. 20 calibrated sweeps. Video sync separators. Z axis input. X10 sweep magnification. Single sweep. V mode-displays two signals unrelated in frequency. Channel 1 output. Includes two 10:1 probes, schematic diagram & parts list, instruction manual.


VERTICAL AMPLIFIERS (CH1 and CH2) Sensitivity: 5 mV/div to 5 V/div; 1 m/Vdiv to 1 V/div X5 gain selected. Accuracy: 5 mV/div 5 V/div, +-3%. X5 selected +-5%. Input Resistance : 1 megohm +-2%. Input Capacitance: Approx. 30pF. Frequency Response: 5mV/div to 5V/div (X5 gain not selected): DC: DC to 40MHz (-3dB), AC: 10Hz to 40MHz (-3dB). X5 gain selected: DC: DC to 20MHz (-3dB), AC: 10Hz to 20MHz (-3dB). Rise Time: 5mV/div to 5V/div (X5 gain not selected), 8.8ns. X5 gain selected: 17.5ns. Crosstalk: At least 1000:1 (60dB) at 50kHz. At least 30:1 (31.5dB) at 40MHz. Operating Modes: CH1: CH1, single trace. CH2: CH2, single trace. DUAL: dual trace; o.5s/div to 1ms/div, CHOP. 0.5ms/div to 0.2us/div, ALT. CHOP or ALT selectable at any sweep rate. Polarity Reversal: CH2 only. Max. Input Voltage: 400V (dc + ac peak) or 800V ac p-p.


Sweep Speed: 0.2us/div to 0.5s/div in 1-2-5 sequence, 20 steps. Vernier control provides fully adjustable sweep time between steps. Accuracy: +-3%. Sweep Magnification: 10X, +-5%. Holdoff: Continuously adjustable from NORM to 10 times normal.


Trigger Modes: AUTO (free run), NORM, FIX, X-Y, SINGLE. Trigger Source: CH1, CH2, ALT, LINE, Ext. Trigger Coupling: AC 10Hz to 40MHz. DC: DC to 40MHz. HF REJ: 10Hz to 50kHz. TV: Line automatically selected at 50us/div and faster. Frame automatically selected at 0.1ms/div and slower.


(Input through channel 1 input) X-Y mode: switch selectable using TIME/DIV switch. CH1: X axis; CH2: Y axis. Sensitivity: Same as vertical channel 1. Accuracy: Normal +-4%, X5 Gain +-6%. Freq. Response: DC to 2MHz (-3dB). X-Y Phase Difference: 3 degrees or less at 50kHz. Trigger Sensitivity: DC Bandwidth: DC-10MHz INT: 0.5 div, EXT: 100mV; AC Bandwidth: Same as DC except increase attenuation below 10Hz. HF REJ Bandwidth: Same as AC except increased attenuation above 50kHz; TV: INT: 2 div; EXT: 200mV. AUTO Bandwidth: Same as AC except lower limit is 50Hz. FIX, ALT Bandwidth: Same as AC plus 0.5 div for signal of duty cycle 20:80 and repetition freq. Of 50Hz to 40MHz. External Trigger: Input Impedance: 1 megohm +-2%, approx. 30pF. Max. Input Volt.: 100V (dc + ac peak) to 1kHz.


(Input through EXT TRIG input) EXT Horizontal Mode: Trace swept by external horizontal signal. Vertical axis modes CH1, CH2, DUAL, ¨& ADD. Sensitivity: Approx. 0.1V/div. Bandwidth: DC to 2MHz (-3dB). Phase Diff.: 3 deg. Or less at 50kHz. Max. Voltage: 100V (dc+ac peak) ¨to 1kHz. VERTICAL AXIS SIGNAL OUTPUT CH1 Output (on rear panel): Output Voltage: 50mV/div (into 50-ohm load). Output Impedance: Approx. 50 ohms. CRT Type: Rectangular with internal graticule. Display Area: 8 x 10 div (1div = 1cm). Accelerating Voltage: 12kV.


Calibrating Voltage: 1kHz Positive Square Wave (+-5%), 2V p-p (+-2%). Duty cycle of 50% +-2%. Intensity Modulation: Input Signal: TTL level, intensity increasing with more negative levels. Input Impedance: Approx 5k ohms. Usable Frequency Range: DC to 5MHz. Max. Input Voltage: 100V (dc + ac peak) to 1kHz. Trace Rotation: Electrical, front panel adjustable. Power Requirements: 100V/120V/220V/ 230V/240V, 50/60 Hz, approx. 35W. Dimensions: 310 x 170 x 460mm (13.4 x 5.7 x 15.0"). Wt: 7.1 kg (17.6 lbs.)

Part No. 3T1-541 $799.00


20 MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope

MODEL 2120


Dual or single trace operation. 1 mV/div sensitivity. Auto/Norm triggered sweep operation with AC, TVH, TVV and Line coupling. Calibrated 18 step timebase with x10 magnifier. Compact, low-profile design. Includes two 10:1 probes, schematic diagram & parts list, AC power cord, spare fuse.


VERTICAL AMPLIFIERS (CH1 and CH2) Sensitivity: 5 mV/div to 5 V/div in 1-2-5 sequence, 10 steps. Vernier control provides fully adjustable gain between steps and increases maximum sensitivity to 1mV/div (at reduced bandwidth). Accuracy:+-3%. Input Resistance: 1 M/ohm +-2%. Input Capacitance: 35 pF +-5pF. Frequency Response: 5 mV to 5 V/div (CAL): DC to 20 MHz (-3dB). 1 mV/div (uncalibrated): DC to 10 MHz (-3dB). Rise Time: 17.5ns. Operating Modes: CH 1: CH1, single trace. CH2: CH2, single trace. ALT: dual trace alternating. CHOP: dual trace chopped. ADD: algebraic sum of CH1 + CH2. Polarity Reversal: CH1 only. Max. Input Voltage: 400 V DC+AC peak. Max. Undistorted Amplitude: DC to 20 MHz: 4 divisions. DC to 10 MHz: 8 divisions.


Sweep Speed: 0.5 us/div to 0.2 s/div in 1-2-5 sequence, 18 steps. Vernier control provides fully adjustable sweep time between steps. Accuracy: +/- 3%. Sweep Magnification: 10X, +/- 6%.


Triggering Modes: AUTO (free run) or NORM. Triggering Source: CH1, CH2, LT, EXT, LINE. Max. Ext. Trigger Voltage: 200 V DC + Acpeak. Trigger Coupling: AC 30 Hz to 30 MHz. TV H used for triggering from horizontal sync pulses. TV used for triggering from vertical sync pulses.


X-Y Mode: Switch selectable using X-Y switch. CH1: Y axis. CH2 X axis. Sensitivity: Same as vertical CH2. Accuracy: Y-axis +-3%. X axis: +-6%. Input Impedance: Same as vertical channel 2. Frequency response: DC to 2 MHz typical (-3dB). X-Y Phase Difference: Approximately 3% at 50 kHz. Max. Input Voltage: Same as verticle channel 2.


Calibrating Voltage: 1 kHz (+- 10%) positive square. Wave, 0.2 V p-p (+ -2%). CH 1 Output (on rear panel). Output Voltage: 50 mV/div (into 50-ohm load). Output Impedance: Approximately 50 ohms. Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 10 MHz, -3dB, into 50 ohms. 20 Hz to 20 MHz, -6dB, into 1 m ohm. Trace Rotation: Electrical front panel adjustable. Power Requirements: 115 V/230 V +-10%, 50/60 Hz, approx. 35W. Dimensions (WxHxD): 320 x 130 x 361mm (12.6 X5.1 X 14.2").Weight: 6.75 kg (15 lbs).

PART NO. 3T1-522 $549.00


20MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope w/Delayed Sweep

MODEL 2125


Dual or single trace operation. 1mV/division sensitivity. Delayed sweep in 18 ranges. Built-in component tester for capacitors, inductors, diodes, transistors, zener diodes. AUTO/NORM triggered sweep operation with AC. TVH, TVV & line coupling. Calibrated 20 step timebase w/x10 magnifier. Compact, low-profile design.


VERTICAL AMPLIFIERS <+>(CH1 & CH2) Sensitivity: 5m V/div in 1-2-5 sequence, 10 steps. Vernier control provides fully adjustable gain between steps and increase maximum sensitivity to 1mV/div (at reduced bandwidth). Accuracy:+-3%. Input Resistance: 1 M/ohm +-2%. Input Capacitance: 35 pF +-5pF. Frequency Response: 5 mV to 5 V/div (CAL): DC to 20 MHz (-3DB). 1 mV/div (uncalibrated): DC to 10 MHz (-3dB). Rise Time: 17 ns. Operating Modes: CH1: CH1, single trace. CH2: CH2, single trace. ALT: Dual trace alternating. CHOP: Dual trace chopped. ADD: Algerbraic sum of CH1 + CH2. Polarity reversal: CH1 only. Max. input voltage: 400 V DC+AC peak max. Undistorted amplitude: DC to 20 MHz: 4 divisions. DC to 10 MHz: 8 divisions.<+>



Operating Modes: Main, mix (both main sweep and delay sweep displayed), or Delay (only delay sweep displayed), X-Y. Main Sweep Speed: 0.1 us/div to 0.2 s/div in 1-2-5 sequence, 20 steps. Vernier control provides fully adjustable sweep time between steps. Accuracy: +-3%. Sweep Magnification: 10X, +-5%. Delayed Sweep Speed: 0.1us/div to 50ms/div in 1-2-5 sequence, 18 steps. Holdoff: Continuously variable for Main sweep up to 10 times normal. Delay Time Position: Continuously variable to control percentage of display that is devoted to main and delay sweep.


Components Tested: Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, and Semiconductors. Test Voltage: 12V rms max. (open). Test Current: 30mA max. (shorted). Test Frequency: Line Frequency (60Hz in USA). All other other operating specs are the same as Model 2120.


Calibrating Voltage: 1kHz (+-10%) Positive Square Wave, 0.2V p-p(+-2%). Environment Operating: +10 to +35 deg. C., 80% max. RH for full specs. 0 to +40 deg. C., 80% max. RH, full operating range. Storage: -30 to +70 deg. C., 90% max. RH. Trace Rotation: Electrical, front panel adjustable. Power Requirements: 115V/230V +-10%, 50/60Hz, approx. 40W. Dimensions: 320 x 130 x 361mm (12.6 x 5.1 x 14.2"). Weight: Approx. 6.8kg (15 lbs.).

Part No. 3T1-521 $646.00



Universal Deluxe Oscilloscope Case


MODEL LC-210 Model LC-210 is a handsome soft-sided foam padded case, constructed of silver gray Cordura, accented with black zippers and web straps. A detachable shoulder carrying strap is included. Two roomy external zippered pockets will hold instruction manuals and probes. It is designed to accomodate all B&K PRECISION oscilloscopes except the Model 1422 (Model 1422 uses LC-22). It can also be used with MANY OTHER oscilloscopes similar in size to B&K PRECISION models.

Part No.





For Model 1422-20 MHz Portable Oscilloscope

* AC Adapter Model BE-20 Part No. 3T6-502


* Battery Pack Model BP-14 Part No. 3T6-514



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Last Updated April 24, 2000