Tecumseh and Miami Valley Councils welcome you to:


At Camp Hugh Taylor Birch

 July 30, 31 & August 1, 2004

      Open for all Venture, Scouts, and 2nd year Webelos

Above Actual Patch Design


Here is a real fun campout and a program put on by scouts for scouts. That’s right. There are no adults allowed in your program and the scout staff has been working hard to put a fun and interesting program together just for you. Here are a few of the topics that they have been working on since November:


Games 1

Rap Session

Helping People

Peer Pressure

Respecting Beliefs

Moral Decisions

Games 2

High School

In addition, we will have a wet time Swimming, so bring your suits. A short Service Project is scheduled along with a closing campfire. And of course, we will provide Worship services.


We have a special patch, which was designed by our talented staff that will be given out upon completion of the retreat. We also provide great food specially prepared by our culinary staff. Arrive on Friday after 6:30 PM and leave Sunday about 10:30 AM. Make sure to come early with your tent and gear for the best site.

Also a special program is scheduled for adults.
Make copies and pass this out to every scout you know. Help us make this retreat the best Retreat of 2004.


Please contact web site: http://www.ceitron.com/retreat.html/ or:

Fr David Vincent

Harry Heaton

Steve Coy

Jim Cooper









Registration form and permission slip (Please return by July 20, 2004)

Annual Interfaith Retreat, Boy Scouts of America
Tecumseh and Miami Valley Councils

Return To: Scout Retreat
C/o: Steve Coy
Tecumseh Council # 439, BSA
326 South Thompson Ave
Springfield, OH 45506-1145

Please register_________Youth and_________Adults for the Interfaith Retreat, July 30, 31, & August 1, 2004 at Camp Hugh Taylor Birch. (we need attached permission slip copies and current medical forms for all registrants)
I have enclosed $20.00 per person.  Please mail early! Make checks payable to Boy Scouts of America.

Unit________ Name:______________________________________________Phone:___________________________

Address:____________________________________________ City/State/Zip:_______________________________

Permission Slip

I, the undersigned parent/guardian of_____________________________________, do hereby give my permission to attend the Scout Interfaith Retreat held July 30, 31, & August 1, 2004 at Camp Hugh Taylor Birch.


Phone: (Home)_______________________(work)_____________________

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Last updated March 24, 2004